Dopo una pausa di vacanza in montagna ho ricominciato a dipingere ad acquerello e mi sono ispirata ad una foto scattata circa un mese fa nella mia città, Milano.
In una calda mattina mi sono trovata in questa via ombreggiata da alberi molto fitti, che creano un'atmosfera particolare e gettano ombre molto estese sulla strada. Ho quindi scattato delle fotografie, anche quando è passato un tram perchè mi piaceva introdurre del colore.
After a holiday break in the mountains I started to paint in watercolor and I have been inspired by a picture taken about a month ago in my city, Milan.
In a warm morning I was in this street shaded by very thick trees, which create a special atmosphere and very large cast shadows on the road. Then I took pictures, even when has passed a tram because I liked to introduce color.
Based on these reference pictures I then choose an arrangement of the elements that allowed me to give depth to the scene: trees and building in the background, trees in the middleground, trees in the foreground with the road traveled by tram, which is the main point of interest of the composition.
Partendo da queste foto di riferimento ho poi scelto una disposizione degli elementi che mi permetteva di dare profondità alla scena: alberi ed edificio sullo sfondo, alberi in secondo piano, alberi in primo piano con la strada percorsa dal tram, che è il punto principale di interesse della composizione.
In a warm morning I was in this street shaded by very thick trees, which create a special atmosphere and very large cast shadows on the road. Then I took pictures, even when has passed a tram because I liked to introduce color.
Based on these reference pictures I then choose an arrangement of the elements that allowed me to give depth to the scene: trees and building in the background, trees in the middleground, trees in the foreground with the road traveled by tram, which is the main point of interest of the composition.
Foto di riferimento |
- Materiali usati
Carta Fabriano 300 gr/mq 36 x 50 cm
Acquerelli Winsor e Newton
Colori blu Winsor, blu oltremare, verde hooker, terra di Siena bruciata, giallo Winsor, giallo indiano, arancio cadmio, seppia, grigio Payne, viola Winsor
- Materials used
Fabriano paper 140 lbs 14 x 20"
Watercolors Winsor and Newton
Colors: Winsor blue, ultramarine blue, Hooker's green, burnt sienna, Winsor yellow, Indian yellow, cadmium orange, sepia, Payne's gray, Winsor violet
Fabriano paper 140 lbs 14 x 20"
Watercolors Winsor and Newton
Colors: Winsor blue, ultramarine blue, Hooker's green, burnt sienna, Winsor yellow, Indian yellow, cadmium orange, sepia, Payne's gray, Winsor violet